
    Drone Companies in Dubai: What the Next Twelve Months Holds

    Drone Companies in Dubai are going to be affected by AI technology. Predicting what technology will become an integral part of our lives in the years to come is as fascinating as it is debatable. For many, this year is also set to be the year of 5G, when next-generation mobile networks take centre stage.

    Drone use in Dubai and the UAE in 2023

    Then there’s AR (augmented reality.) The recent success of Pokémon Go demonstrated teen’s appetite for augmented reality games. But, can this technology move into the commercial sector?

    Believe it or not, commercial augmented reality is beginning to build momentum, with companies across the UAE – and throughout the globe – beginning to think seriously about ways to integrate next-generation technology with operations and training.

    Then there’s multi-channel online shopping. Whereas in the past, consumers were ecstatic about placing an order online and receiving their goods in a matter of days, in 2023 the same consumers are getting antsy. Deliveries are expected sooner rather than later. Is this changing in opinion paving the way for delivery drone companies in Dubai – or globally? One would think so, yes.

    On this note, what do the next twelve months hold for the drone industry in the Middle East? Let’s dive into some of the predicted forecasts and try to decipher what the future may hold.

    Video from Sky Vision Dubai: One of the leading drone companies in Dubai

    Drones-as-a-Service (DaaS)

    A natural extension of RaaS (Robotics as a Service), drones as a service have appliances that can drastically improve a wealth of different industries. Visionary businesses view drone potential as seemingly endless.

    Much more than just vehicles for delivery, drone deployment is being viewed as vital in diverse industries. From agriculture and farming to construction and law enforcement, as the next 12 months unfold, residents in the UAE should expect drones to be more and more prominent in Dubai’s skies.

    The result of this will be that DaaS providers will be in increasing demand as we head into 2020 and beyond. Software manufacturers and hardware vendors are expected to take on greater responsibility for ensuring optimal performance and continuing technological progression.

    Moreover, drone companies Dubai will further increase the application of artificial intelligence (AI) powered technologies within their operations. Quantitative data gleaned from drone companies across the UAE has identified prominent themes that will become dominant as 2023 unfolds and we head into 2020.

    Drone Deployment Will Triple in the UAE

    The result of the increase in drone application across varying sectors will see drone deployment triple in the next twelve months. The UAE government will continue to lead drone technology developments in the region and the private sector will become increasingly amenable to integrating drones into their operations.

    More exciting though, is the scheduled Dubai flying drone taxi. Currently scheduled for 2020, this innovation will completely revolutionize transportation in the city-state.

    Practical drone application is also set to soar in a wealth of sectors. The drone service in Dubai of inspection and surveying will feature ever more prominently, closely followed by aerial photography and videography. The construction sector will integrate drones at every stage of their projects, allowing companies to increase the speed and performance of their operations.

    Artificial Intelligence helps Drone Mapping and Film Production

    In 2018, DJI and Microsoft formed a global strategic partnership to bring advanced AI and machine learning technologies to DJI drones. This was, arguably, the clearest indication yet that global technology giants believe that investing in the development of drones to be paramount to our continued evolution into a fully autonomous, technology-driven world.

    As AI and robotics gain traction, offering critical insight and application within the next generation of innovation, technology behemoth, Microsoft, is firmly behind drone technology and has joined forces with DJI to nurture the brightest local engineers and roboticists of tomorrow via the provision of learning platforms and access to cutting edge technologies.

    Christina Zhang, Senior Director, Corporate Strategy & Communications at DJI said of the partnership, ‘We are delighted to partner with Microsoft on this meaningful project. This is an opportunity to explore applications that could be used in the real world.’ It seems evident that the resources Microsoft has will help propel DJI into the next generation of drone development – something that a wealth of sectors across the UAE stand to benefit from.

    Indeed, the integration of AI is helping drones to perform tasks more efficiently than was thought possible just a few short years ago. Drone companies in Dubai, like Sky Vision, are increasingly employing high-resolution imagery to capture landscapes in crystal-clear clarity. The abundance of information captured can be correlated with maintenance, land development, defect localization and surveillance – to name but a handful of applications.

    Automating the analysis of aerial imagery using AI allows drone software to speed up analysis of an environment – even allowing for the real-time prediction of localized changes. This is especially useful in monitoring individuals in large open public spaces or reviewing traffic to mitigate potential risks and keep everyone safe.

    Traditional CCTV streamed images have a delay between event occurrence and recording, and monitoring requires physical monitoring. This can cause issues, especially for static CCTV cameras with only a single vantage point. It seems logical that deploying a remote drone, complete with AI and collision avoidance systems offers a far superior way of monitoring environments – something that’s destined to be increasingly prevalent as we move throughout 2023.

    The Sky Vision drone service in Dubai afforded both the public and private sectors serves to reinforce the necessity of drone technology. Citizens of Dubai cast your eyes to the sky this year, you’re sure to encounter drones with increasing frequency, as Drone companies in Dubai and the UAE as a whole, increase in number.

    Looking for a drone filming company in Dubai? If so try Sky Vision for the best aerial photography and videography in the region.


    How Aerial Drone Photography Services Can Revolutionise Property Advertising

    Property advertising has significantly changed in the digital age – forever. Today, it has never been easier for house hunters to gather significant information about properties they’re interested in. A simple online search of local or national estate agents and you’ll find a wealth of homes listed for sale in your price range.

    The online era does give house hunters a greater choice than ever before when searching for a new home, some property marketing strategies have been somewhat slower to evolve. We are, of course, talking about the way properties are marketed locally and nationally to prospective buyers.

    A quick online search and you’ll find that static text descriptions of homes, full of clichés and euphemisms and amplified statements dominate online property marketing. So abundant are they that potential buyers have grown wise – and, as such, their ability to be effectual is significantly diminished.

    So, how can you give your listings the edge? What can you do to imprint property listings on buyers? Use drone companies in Dubai to take immersive videos and photographs of listings you have for sale.

    Sky Vision offer top aerial drone photography services like in this video:

    The Advantages of Capturing Rea Estate Images Using Drone Photography

    Potential buyers want to see themselves in a property prior to purchase. Creating an immersive video or series images will do just that. Drone photography and videography for that matter will give your listing that competitive edge, something that is essential for high-end listings, or even for affordable prices in areas with steep competition.

    Dynamic images, or those that create an ambiance of luxury, will ‘sell’ the property to potential buyers and convince them that they must schedule a viewing. Think of it this way: our eyes have almost become conditioned to looking at property listings in a certain way. Give house hunters a new and better listing and you’ll surely grab their attention!

    Not only that, a sweeping swooping drone’s eye view of a property will enhance a sense of space and highlighting the unique selling points of the property effortlessly – something that is especially important for properties that have an expansive garden, exterior annexes or outbuildings.

    Perhaps most importantly, immersive property aerial drone photography in Dubai will capture a 360-degree view of the property and focus on specific elements of the property which is certain to appeal to buyers, allowing you to capture property features that traditional photography may miss.

    Private Property Sales and Drone Footage

    You may have noticed a growing trend of homeowners using alternative means of selling their homes. From marketing on social media to raffling their house in an auction, homeowners are increasingly using non-traditional methods when they sell their home.

    Why? Costly estate agent fees can be avoided, and homeowners can have complete ownership of the project. But, without significant experience, how do you market your home in a tantalizing way, sure to appeal to buyers? Search drone companies in Dubai and find one that can take breath-taking footage of your home.

    High-quality drone footage can be filmed easily, quickly and is much cheaper than hiring a helicopter to take aerial footage or images of your home. You can even upload the content to social media channels and appeal to a wide range of buyers from across the globe.

    All too often, private property sales marketing lacks the polish of estate agent marketing. Use a reputable drone company in Dubai and this certainly will not be the case. Drone photography adds an air of professionalism, authenticity, and sophistication to your property listings. This will appeal to buyers.

    Aerial Drone Photography Services

    How to Get the Right Footage

    To maximize the sale potential of your property, you’ll need to make the extra effort to get the marketing just right. Professionally produced real estate drone video using the latest unmanned aerial rigs is essential. This is exactly what you’ll get when you employ the services of an astute drone photography company in Dubai.

    Rigs equipped with a rig and cameras that can be remotely controlled and rotate around a gimbal give photographers and videographers a wealth of choice when composing aerial photography of properties. Despite being able to compose interesting shots, static cameras mounted on a drone do not afford the same degree of flexibility as remotely controlled rigs.

    Passing shots and videos of a property can be completed with ease. You can take shots of the approach of a property and then rotate the camera to capture the property as the drone fly’s past. This mirrors how we would look at a property and creates an immediate association in the minds of buyers – which is more like to help them remember property specifics and leave them with a clearer impression of whether the property is right for their needs.

    This is just one example. The truth is that drone companies in Dubai can create a wealth of engaging and immersive shots and footage that will thoroughly convince buyers of the individual merits of any property they are interested in. The more that buyers begin to see themselves in the property, and the easier you make it for them to achieve this, the better chance there is of the house being snapped up.

    The potential for drone companies in Dubai to completely revolutionize property marketing is clear. It’s easily understood when you consider this one simple fact: drone photography and videography is simply better, cheaper and affords more options than the alternatives.

    Environmental Services in Dubai Revolutionised by Drone Photography

    As was highlighted in late summer last year by a top official in the municipality of Dubai, drones are the latest tool to make sure environmental safety. A clear sign that drone services in Dubai are evolving – and becoming integral to a wide breadth of sectors, this acknowledgment reflects how far the technology has come in the last decade – and its potential to drastically improve commercial operation in the years to come.

    Originally employed in military application, the prevalence of drones in Dubai’s skies has soared in the last few years. Today commercial operations and keen civilian hobbyists fly drones, using their remote capabilities to gather data and swiftly and efficiently deploy goods in hard to reach areas.
    The environmental has used drones to great effect – and will continue to do so in the coming years. Let’s look at how drones have revolutionized the environmental sector.

    Effective Deployment of Drone Photography

    So, how are drones used in the environmental sector? Well, they have proven vastly effective in monitoring and controlling pollution emanating from industrial sites and other projects. The data they have gathered is used to enhance environmental protection opportunities. This has been clearly stated by the director of the environmental department, Alia Al Harmoudi.

    Clearly advocating for drone companies in and around Dubai to continue to play a prominent role the environmental services sector, Alia Al Harmoudi stated the advanced specifications and capabilities of Dubai drones save time and other resources when looking to obtain accurate information.

    With flight capabilities improving all the time, and the ability to equip drones with professional HD cameras capable of providing panoramic day and night-time video and images, drone companies in Dubai provide a vital service to a wealth of clients in the environmental services sector.

    Drone Photography Inspection Teams

    Effective monitoring of industrial sites is essential to safe and secure operations – and public confidence in the activities performed by a business. Inspection is paramount to ensuring that potential issues are identified and resolved. However, on occasion, inspection teams face a challenge readily identifying potential hazards, for example.

    Using drone services in Dubai to remotely view specific areas of an industrial site has grown exponentially over the last few years. The environmental sector in Dubai has borne witness to steady growth over the last few years, however, monitoring of sites using drones equipped with HD cameras has seen an even greater rise in popularity. There is a reduced need to use inspection teams to monitor very specific areas – drones can complete this. The impact this has had is easily quantifiable – and keeps workers safer.

    An Expansion of Aerial Services

    The success of using drones in Dubai within the environmental sector has led to an expansion of the services provided. Developmental projects, central cooling stations, and fuel supply stations are now remotely monitored, with fully trained and learned professionals using drones to gather data.

    Areas of focus have shifted, thanks largely to the capabilities of drones. Air control and compliance and meeting the highest standards of environmental safety, adhering to strict regulations, is now easily achievable. This includes the safety and storage of hazardous materials.

    One Specific Environmental Area Explored

    Cement manufacturing facilities have committed to installing air pollution monitoring stations. These are then linked to Dubai’s air quality database. This increases procedural reaction in the event of a facility violating environmental legislation by exceeding permissible environmental limits – with findings recorded through drone services in Dubai.

    Those industrial plants that generate large quantities of air pollutants and pungent odors, resulting from operational processes, have committed to installing pollution and odor control units to demonstrate that they operate within permitted environmental parameters.

    aerial photography UAE

    Safety Operations

    Another area within the environmental sector that benefits greatly from deploying drones is safety operations. Drone companies in Dubai have co-ordinated operations with leading security companies to deliver efficient monitoring of environmental sites.

    This is a process that will undoubtedly grow in the coming years – primarily due to its continued effectiveness. Leading proponents of the technology believe that security companies in the emirate should aim to adopt a unified mechanism for the import and storage of hazardous materials. It is hoped that this will enhance environmental safety operations, minimizing any risks.

    All warehouses that contain dangerous goods will be listed on a database. This is part of a strict control plan to make sure that goods are efficiently stored. Not only that, it will then be easy for inspectors to examine and conclude that all environmental parameters are met, thereby enabling businesses to confidently achieve permits – and operate within environmental parameters.

    With such widespread use of drones within the environmental sector already, it seems only logical that when examining the contents of such warehouses, drones will be deployed to make sure that all storage complies with recognized legislation.

    Drone services like Sky Vision in Dubai have already revolutionized the environmental sector. With such broad capabilities – and the ambition to create safer, more efficient work processes, it seems only logical to assume that the prevalence of drones in the environmental sector will only grow in the years to come.

    How Aerial Photography Has Changed the World – A History

    The undeniable aerial feats of photography that drones capture have completely revolutionized the way that we view the world. Immersing us in a world unlike anything we’ve ever seen before, images of sun-drenched sand dunes or urban metropolises from high above can be achieved through skilled piloting and an eye for composition and detail.

    However, you might be surprised to learn that the history of aerial photography Dubai – and across the globe – broadly dovetails the last century of human history more broadly than you may think.

    The First Recorded Aerial Photographs

    Not too long after commercial photography was first invented, aspirational amateurs began launching cameras into the sky using balloons, kites, and even rockets.

    The first successfully recorded aerial photograph was taken by Gaspar Felix Tournachon in 1858 from a hot air balloon which was tethered 262 feet over Petit-Clamart, just outside of Paris. In 1860 James Wallace Black used the same process to take capture Boston 2,000 feet in the air. This is the oldest surviving aerial photograph.

    Great Photographic Strides Forward

    Fast forward into the 20th Century and George Lawrence perfected a method of taking aerial panoramic photographs by affixing large-format cameras with curved plates to kites. The 1906 earthquake in San Francisco provided the setting for his most famous photograph.

    Using 17 kites to suspend a camera 2,000 feet in the air, George Lawrence used electric current for exposure which was carried through the insulated core of the steel cable. The moment the shutter snapped, a small parachute was released. At this signal the picture was taken, the kites pulled down and the camera reloaded. This process was to pave the way for the future – and eventually to cutting-edge services, such as drone shooting services in Dubai.

    The Wright Brothers Present an Opportunity

    Just a few short years after the Wright Brothers’ first flight in 1903 at Kitty Hawk, piloted and powered aircraft was first employed for aerial photographic purposes.

    The first such image was captured by cinematographer L.P. Bonvillain in 1908. The image was captured from an airplane over Le Mans, France – and the aircraft was piloted by none other than Wilbur Wright.

    WW1 and WW2

    Shortly after this WWI commenced. Military commanders used the advent of this emerging technology to capture cutting-edge (for 1914) aerial imagery of battlefields. Cameras were mounted on aircraft, and the wartime practice of aerial reconnaissance. This allowed nations to discover enemy movements and strategize for the future – and is a practice that is still employed to this day, alongside hobbyist and commercial drone shooting services in Dubai – or more aptly – across the globe.

    During WW2 wartime aerial and video become commonplace in newspapers, magazine and movie theatre newsreels. Famed LIFE photographer Margaret Bourke-White became the first woman to fly with a US combat crew over enemy soil when she photographed the U.S. attacks on Tunis. Her images were printed in LIFE’s March 1st, 1943 issue.

    This conflict also served as the first time that the U.S. would experiment with rudimentary drone aircraft, like the TDR-1. Its purpose? To be an imaging platform.

    Into The 1980’s and 1990’s

    The drones that we’re all familiar with – and that provide such breath-taking aerial photography Dubai – and throughout the world – began to first appear in the 1980s. Although nowhere near as technologically advanced as even the most basic of drones are today, their arrival heralded a clear signal of what was to come and the dawning of drone technology.

    Israeli engineers were the first to develop what we think of as modern drones. They were equipped with a video camera and deployed to monitor persons of interest. The U.S. soon adopted the technology and a remote-controlled drone famously filmed Iraqi soldiers surrendering during the first Gulf War.

    Invented by Israeli aerospace engineer, Abraham Karem, The Predator drone soared in popularity during the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. Its ability to loiter over areas for extended periods of time meant the technology was highly effective in monitoring the daily routine of potential targets, taking pictures and images that provided vital intel to the armed forces.

    Throughout this period the U.S. also deployed smaller, hand-controlled drones, such as the RQ-Raven to assist soldiers in battle. Their purpose was to scout ahead and examine areas for potential threats prior to armed forces entering the area, recording data before transferring findings to a U.S. base of intelligence.

    history of aerial photography by Sky Vision

    The Dawning of the Modern Drone Photography Age

    Our modern drones and photography can be traced back as far as a few centuries, however, its true birth was in the early 2000s. It was at this time that the drone-builder culture really began to take flight. Online forums, such as DIY Drones helped hobbyists to build a community, share insights, opinions, and insights.

    Drone technology evolved rapidly. From autopilot capabilities to collision detection systems were just two drone advancements – making piloting and aerial photography accessible to both commercial businesses and keen hobbyists.

    Evolving beyond military application, today drones – and the images they can capture – are shaping the way we view the world. Comparatively cheap, compared to generations past, real estate brokers, construction businesses, and marketers drone photography see drone photography as a key part of their commercial activities. Hobbyists with an ambition to take to the skies similarly become excited at the prospect of flying their very own drones, sharing the experience with friends, and building a community.

    It’s clear that aerial photography and drones have come a long way in a short space of time. Anyone that knows anything about the technology must surely be excited for what the future will hold!

    The Best Drones for Aerial Mapping in Dubai

    Make no mistake, drones have become essential technology for aerial surveying. The scope of images and videos that they routinely deliver is breath-taking – and this can be achieved for a fraction of the cost of traditional aerial surveying.

    Today, aerial survey companies have a wealth of choice when deciding which drone is best suited to their aerial mapping purposes. Year on year precision engineering and hardware innovation bolsters and hones even the most precise nuances of design and operational functionality, leaving commercial drone customers a head scratching amount of choice.

    So rather than analyse which is the best overall drone; one that will deliver accurately map an area, deliver parcels, film HD panoramic aerial video in jaw-dropping detail or inspect building constructions a hundred floors above ground level, let’s take a single purpose, aerial mapping, and review the best drones in 2021.

    Top Drones for Aerial Mapping in Dubai 2021

    DJI Matrice 300 RTK

    When it comes to drones, DJI stands tall as the brand with a reputation to be envied. Each model consistently delivers on its promises, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.

    Featuring innovative obstacle avoidance and aerial awareness tools, the DJI Matrice 300 RTK is one of the safest drones for aerial mapping in Dubai. Included with the drone is RTK GPS capability, in addition to Airsense ADS-B tech and several smart tools which guarantee sublime accuracy and safety, making the DJI Matrice 300 RTK perfect for aerial mapping.

    Moreover, the new Ocusync Enterprise gives this drone a range of up to 15km, or almost 10 miles – more than enough for you to survey landscapes remotely with ease! Better still, the DJI Matrice RTK provides triple channel 1080p video transmission, has 23 x zoom, a 12 MP wide angle camera and a laser range finder with the new Zenmuse H20 payload. Now, that’s what we’re talking about!

    DJI Mavic 2 Enterprise

    If you’re looking for a more affordable drone with the capabilities of delivering pinpoint accurate Dubai aerial mapping, then the DJI Mavic 2 Enterprise could be just the drone you’re looking for.

    Though it may use the same platform as the Mavic 2 Pro and Mavic 2 Zoom, the DJI Mavic 2 Enterprise adds mounting points for accessories. Adding a spotlight, beacon, speaker, or smart controller is easy, allowing aerial survey companies to customise the drone to their precise needs.

    The ‘scalability’ of the DJI Mavic 2 Enterprise has already attracted many aerial surveyors to buy the drone. And with a basic price of $1999 compared to the $6,500 of the DJI Matrice 300 RTK it’s not hard to see why!

    Yuneec H520

    Although it’s hailed as a commercial drone for many applications, where the Yuneec H20 really excels is aerial mapping. Designed for professional use, this six-rotor drone offers three cameras that can be swapped for optimal aerial mapping in Dubai.

    The Yuneec H520 is great for surveying. Why? Well, we can list numerous reasons, but how about this, you can download location maps and store them on the controller itself. You don’t need to worry about having an Internet signal!

    aerial mapping Dubai

    So, let’s say that you’re surveying a location for the first time, isn’t it so much easier to familiarise yourself with the landscape ahead of time? With the Yuneec H20 all you need to do is to the plan menu and select survey mode. A grid of white lines (the flight paths) and a green overlay will then appear across the area you’re surveying. Choosing how you’ll navigate the area is as easy as A, B, C!
    Better still, you can adjust your flight path whilst surveying the area by sliding white dots on the overlay and hey presto! New flight paths. Once you’ve plotted your flight paths, they can be programmed into the Yuneec H520 so if you choose to return to take another survey, replicating the previous paths you took is a cinch. Not bad for $2,500!

    Parrot Anafi

    One of the best entries in the consumer drone market, the Parrot Anafi is lauded as being superb for aerial mapping in Dubai. And, it costs just $699!

    With an articulating gimbal, the 21 MP 4K camera can capture images vertically, pointing straight down and focusing on a specific area. This function alone makes it easy for aerial survey companies to capture image angles that some other drones would struggle to.

    Anything else? Of course, the Parrot Anafi has several attributes that makes it great for surveying. But rather than list each attribute individually, let us just mention one that’s sure to pique consumer’s interest: artificial intelligence. The Parrott Anafi can automate flight modes, making repeated aerial mapping much simpler.

    Finally, the Parrot Anafi has an ultra-compact foldable design. Why does benefit aerial mapping? Well, what if you want to survey an area of Dubai that requires some travel? Isn’t folding your drone into a small package much easier than lugging heavy, awkward designs around?

    The Best Drone for Dubai Aerial Mapping

    So, which is the best drone for aerial mapping? It’s really a question of personal preference, what your budget is and the areas you intend to survey. Many consumers are attracted to DJI for their reputation, but an equal number of consumers want a drone that meets their needs and aren’t overly bothered by the prestige of a brand name.

    Then there’s the accessories. Obstacle avoidance and aerial awareness 4K cameras, programmable functions and, of course, price must all be considered before deciding the best aerial survey drone.

    Bottom line? Consumers have choice, which is great! Take some time to figure out exactly what you want from your drone and you’ll likely find the right one for whatever type of aerial mapping you need.

    And the Best Company for Aerial Mapping in Dubai? Probably us, Sky Vision.

    Why Drone Film Production is Booming

    The World Health Organization declared the coronavirus a pandemic after the virus spread to more than 100 countries on six continents. No illness in this generation has ever had such a catastrophic effect on the routine of our daily lives.

    What’s more, in the spring of 2020, Harvard researchers released a report that social distancing may be set to continue until 2022 in some countries. The UAE took the pandemic very seriously, with social distancing set at two metres – double the standard recommended by the WHO. And with a mortality rate that’s many times lower than the UK and Spain, it’s clear that such preventative measures worked.

    But what does social distancing, and the pandemic in general, mean for businesses? Well, many businesses have had to adopt new procedures and strategies to continue operating during COVID-19. Almost every sector has been hit. This includes film production.

    Why Film Production Has Been Affected By COVID-19

    You don’t have to be a scientific genius to see that film production is one sector that will struggle during the outbreak of a pandemic. Different people get together and work in close proximity to create sales marketing or a piece of art that captures the interest of the public.

    One film or TV set will have actors, a director, an assistant director, production manager, camera person, art director, gaffer, screenwriter… the list goes on – and the bigger the production, the more people they’ll likely be on set.

    With such a wide pool of people, is it any surprise that film and TV productions have been halted or shelved indefinitely? After all, you’re not going to find the most experienced, learned, or talented people living in the same house, are you?

    But what about marketing videos? Well, as with film production, marketing videos tend to require the expertise of a wealth of different people. Sure, drone filming companies in Dubai can capture sublime video, but then you need story boarders, studio access, editors, maybe animators… again, the list goes on.
    But wait. Hang on a second. Using drones to capture film doesn’t require a crew, chartering a small aircraft or helicopter or an astronomical financial outlay. It requires a drone operator and video editors who can work remotely. Does that mean that I can use a drone filming company in UAE to film essential video – yes. Provided they are offering their service in lockdown!

    How Drones Are Being Used in Quarantine

    You could argue that there’s never been a better time for drones to emerge from the clouds and make all our lives easier. Need a delivery? Many companies are working with skeleton staff. Cue the ability for drones to deliver packages to people across the UAE – or the world.

    According to reports in the New York Times, New Yorkers have been introduced to the ‘Anti-COVID Volunteer Drone Task Force.’ Their purpose? To scan the streets below and encourage people to maintain their social distance whilst promoting positive messages of ‘please help stop the spread of this virus’ and ‘reduce the death toll and help save lives.’

    In China, drones have been used to reinforce restrictions – albeit in a fun way. Hovering above, drones have been known to say, ‘this drone is speaking to you, sir’ and ‘you shouldn’t walk about without wearing a mask.’ Not a bad way to enforce restrictions, but better still, China has been using drones to scan for fevers of people below!

    Then there’s Rwanda where drones are being used to deliver medical supplies to hospitals. At a time when any shortage of medical supplies could be catastrophic, drones have come to the rescue of people suffering myriad of illnesses.

    But what about film production? Well, the world may just be steadily picking up momentum after being ground to a halt for the last three months, but drone filming has remained a fixture even during COVID-19. Why? Well, let’s look at why drone film production is booming.

    drone filming in Dubai at night

    Drone Film Production in Dubai

    Arguably, the key to understanding the benefit of drone filming during a pandemic can be encapsulated by a single word: remote. Anyone can film picturesque land or cityscapes in HD 4K with their drone – at up to 10 miles away, far from the epicentre of the outbreak and, more importantly, without a camera crew.

    The best drones are, it would seem, custom-built for film production during a pandemic. All operators need to do is to set a flight path to get to and survey a location and fly their drone there. Droning in Dubai in 2021 is as popular as ever and the trend is probably only going to continue upwards.

    There’s no need for hiring an expensive helicopter or small aircraft and camera crew just to capture the exquisite sand dunes of Dubai’s deserts or marvel at the neon marvel of cityscapes. Just commission one of the drone filming companies in Dubai, like Sky Vision, and you can be assured of awe-inspiring results.

    Then there’s cost. With the global economy falling by 20% during the pandemic, many businesses would be forgiven for tightening their belts. But what if you need videos that don’t just pique attention but demand it? Are you going to hire a helicopter for the film production? Unlikely. Highly unlikely.

    Hiring a small aircraft is expensive. Awfully expensive, even in times of economic boom or when a business has notable retained profit and therefore a healthy budget to film a corporate video. Hiring a drone filming company in UAE will save you money – and help you to create stellar marketing material.

    The same goes for film and TV production. Those inspiring overhead shots of a landscape; one’s where viewer can immerse themselves in the story can be achieved with a drone. In fact, you may be surprised to learn that of all the Hollywood movies you watch with such shots, most, if not all, are achieved with drones and all films and TV shows have a budget, right?

    Lastly, one of most impactful and therefore sought-after ways of filming is the 360-degree panoramic shot, especially in movies, TV, and adverts. Why? It’s how you show the audience scope.

    In times passed getting this type of shot was difficult for drones and required cameras with expensive rotating rigs. Not any longer. Most good drones today are equipped with a gimbal that allows users to take 360-degree, panoramic shots, and videos with ease. This vastly improves production value of any movie, TV show or even video advertisement, adding much needed perspective and context. Best of all, these shots can be captured by anyone with a good working knowledge of drone videography, adding something that cannot be underestimated to all videos – value.

    In the end, who knows how long restrictions will last? It could be another month or two, or it could be 18 months – 2 years as the WHO has said. What we do know is that humans are adaptable. We can create technology to solve problems. Drone videography is an example of this… as are all the other ways that drones have been used during quarantine to help people.

    Let’s kickstart the global economy and not let the virus hold back our ambitions. Regardless of the nature of why you may need to hire a drone filming company in Dubai, don’t delay! Let’s resume film and TV production. Let’s create inspiring commercial videos. Let’s get back to normal.