Simple Tips the Best Drone Companies in Dubai Know that Will Enhance Your Drone Photography

    In past blogs, we’ve written about the best cameras to mount on your drone, the best drones for aerial photography, how drone pilots can capture the best aerial shots at night, even top tips of how drone pilots can compose the best aerial shots when soaring above Dubai – or anywhere in the world.

    However, what we’ve never blogged about are the more generic, even simple tips that any drone pilot should know to capture that breath-taking sandscape or urban landscape. Now, before we start divulging what some may perceive as tricks of the trade, it’s important to remember one fact. The best drone companies in Dubai – like Sky Vision – offer unparalleled flying experience and expertise, combined with a knowledge of aerial photographic composition that is hard to match.

    What does this mean? Anyone intent on using drones to map an elevated area or create inspiring marketing material to grab customer attention should only consider hiring the professionals. If, however, you’re someone who is merely thinking of buying a drone and want to learn more about how you can evolve your skills, and hopefully capture an inspirational image or two yourself, keep reading – you’ll surely read something vital to your learning process.

    Simple Tips the Best Drone Companies in Dubai Know that Will Enhance Your Drone Photography

    Keep Calm and Be Safe

    So, having unboxed your drone for the first time, most pilots can’t wait to take to the skies. Now, there’s nothing wrong with being exuberant, but you want to be safe. After all, fly your drone into a no-fly area and it may be confiscated. Plummet to the ground and you may find yourself disheartened, surveying the wreckage of your pride and joy.

    To fly drones safely, you’ll need to educate yourself beforehand. Aerial photography companies have undergone a wealth of training, know the legalities of drone flying like the back of their hand and have sound educational understanding of how to control their drone, sourced from experience, comprehensive training and passion. They haven’t taken a course or two, read the manual or merely Googled, ‘how to fly a drone.’

    Drone companies must also have the requisite professional licence. This depth of education means that they know how to fly as safely and will remain calm if a flight’s circumstances changes in an instant. Drone companies know where to fly and where not to fly and have sound command of the camera.

    Additionally, something not to be discounted, is that seasoned drone companies understand how to operate the drone and the camera simultaneously and proficiently. This takes skill and a whole lot of practice. Our tip? Concentrate on flying and manoeuvring the drone over short distances before thinking of taking to the skies with a camera equipped.

    Be Mindful of What’s Around You

    There are many attributes that contribute towards taking that stellar photograph. Subject matter is one. Angle is another. Composition is a third. We could go on all day, but in the interest of this article, let’s just say that it takes a good eye, piloting capabilities and processing acumen to take that photograph that conveys are you want it to – and, hopefully, much, much more.

    Choosing your location is paramount. Fortunately, Dubai is rich in some of the most visually arresting landscapes anywhere in the world. The best drone companies in Dubai can use the spectacular scenery of the city scape to create an image or video that, not only contextualizes your intention, ensuring that it’s an accurate representation of the purpose of the shot or video, but will be mindful of what’s all around you and the legalities of this.

    You won’t find drone companies flying into Dubai International or scaling the heights of the Burj Khalifa. This is simply not permitted. More pertinently, drone companies understand how to control their drones to avoid any collisions.

    Now, we’re not saying that every hobbyist is destined for a collision, but the extensive training and knowledge of the skies most, if not every single one, of the drone aerial photography companies in Dubai have negate any potential issues. Bottom line? If you’re unsure of your flying ability, hire a drone company or invest more time honing your skills.

    Don’t Compromise on Composition

    As different as drone cameras are to SLR digital cameras, they have the same basic function – to capture moments in time. They can suffer from the same technical issues and, when in the hands of an experienced photographer, image quality can be compromised.

    You don’t want to spend a wealth of time flying to that perfect location only to rush to take your photograph, losing those little details, selecting the wrong aperture or missing the focal point of the image altogether.

    Practice good composition. Carefully examine individual aspects of your photographs for subtle, distinct, characteristic aspects. Add interesting leading lines to pull the viewer into your image. Look for contrasting shapes, colours, texture and visual elements to add extra dimension to your photography.

    Aerial photography companies know how to do this. You might not be able to do it as well, but constantly thinking about your photography is a great way to get better the more you practice.

    Share Your Art

    Don’t make the mistake of flying your drone across some of the most immersive and rousing landscapes in the world, snapping photographic images or videos and then leaving them on your memory card for your eyes only.

    Share your images! Get to know other aerial drone photographers and gather some feedback. Their insight may well be invaluable to your continued development. Why not start an Instagram account and upload your pictures? You could share them on Twitter and Facebook and see what comments you get.

    Feeling particularly proud of a picture? Why not blow it up, print it out and hang it in your home or office? Each time you see it, you’ll be reminded of your artistic prowess and be encouraged to take to the skies again! Or, if you really want to capture an exquisitely picturesque image, you could show the photo you took and ask one of the best drone companies in Dubai to take the same picture to hang on your walls.

    So, there you go. A handful of simple tips that the best aerial drone companies know – all of which will help you evolve your art. Interested in using Sky Vision’s commercial drone photography services? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today.

    New Drone Service in Dubai: Drone Rental Services Launch at Dubai Cricket Stadium

    The cricket world cup is now over. As England players bask in their quite remarkable victory, drinking in the immortality that victory has brought them, impassioned fans sing choruses of celebration hitting the boundaries of joyous exuberance, we can soak it all in and look forward to what drama may unfold in the next four years.

    Whether you’re a lifelong cricket fan or an armchair viewer, there’s no denying that this world cup had everything. Controversy, tension, drama and one of the most stunning conclusions to a final that’s ever been witnessed. Indeed, the world cup is sure to encourage many youngsters to visit their local cricket club for their first taste of the sport.

    However, youth interest and the drama of the final aside, there’s one story that has flown under the radar over the last few weeks. One that outlines how a drone service in Dubai and the sport have become intertwined. That is that unlicensed drone pilots will soon be able to use specialist arrive-and-fly facilities at Dubai Cricket Stadium. This move is the result of an agreement struck between Dubai Sports City and drone solutions provider, Airscope.

    The move, which will be overseen by the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority (DCAA) aims to limit the risk of costly airport closures by designating a space environment for drone hobbyists whilst providing Dubai Cricket Stadium with an alternative source of revenue.

    Why Launch Drone Rental Services?

    It’s been no secret the airports around the world have been the subject of drone incursion over the last few years. Many governments have taken legislative steps to keep airspace restricted to drones for the safety of airline passengers and pilots and Dubai is no exception.

    Following the closures of several runways at Dubai International Airport – at a cost of Dh3.67 million or $1 million a minute, with the most recent being on February 15th when the airport was closed for almost half an hour, the DCAA has demanded that all pilots must obtain a licence and be acutely aware of where they can and can’t fly using the DCAA app. Any pilot caught in a restricted area could face jail time or fines of up to Dh100,000, whether using a camera for drone shooting Dubai or merely practicing their aerial maneuverers.

    Creating a safe, enclosed environment for novice pilots to learn how to pilot their drones, whilst educating pilots of their responsibilities is further evidence of Dubai’s commitment to safe drone piloting, and how the city-state soars above other countries and territories with an innovative approach to drone education, training and piloting.

    New Drone Service in Dubai cricket

    Facility and Long-Term Vision

    Under the proposed plan, which awaits DCAA guideline and approval, unlicensed drone pilots will be able to arrive, rent and fly drones within the stadium’s limits in much the same way that people can come to the nearby karting track at Dubai Aerodrome and have some fun karting.

    The facility will also house retail outlets on site. Here visitors can buy a new drone, equipment and parts. Not only that, coaches will provide on-site flying lessons and provide educational advice on any matters relating to drone ownership, helping novice or even seasoned pilots to gain a greater understanding of their done.

    However, the creation of a safe and inclusive environment, rich in drone educational merit, at Dubai Cricket Stadium isn’t the sole endgame for this lauded and innovative drone service in Dubai.

    Mohammed Aziz, CEO of Airscope has stated that his long-term vision for this environment is to launch a drone league as a spectator sport where people can come and watch professional pilots make awe-inspiring manoeuvres with track loops and air gates. A provisional soft launch has been pencilled in for next month, possibly being held at one of Dubai’s indoor facilities with full-time operations set for lift off in September.

    The Full Support of Dubai Cricket Stadium

    Building on the gauntlet of ambition set forth by Mohammed Aziz, CEO of Airscope, the Dubai Sports City Head of Cricket Business, Salman Hanif has been vocal in his support of the collaboration between the stadium and this exciting drone service in Dubai.
    He’s stated that the UAE has a lack of facilities for drones and that the stadium has excellent facilities and is a well-suited arena for drone pilots to practice on, being free of interference whilst meeting all the regulations set forth by the DCAA.

    Hanif also commented on the fact that the facility would allow the stadium to diversify its business model as it would provide a welcome additional revenue stream when the ground wasn’t in use for cricket matches.
    What this service demonstrates is that drones can have a far-reaching affect on commercial endeavours than merely just drone shooting Dubai. The service is being carefully overseen by the DCAA who has mandated third party insurance and put a re-registration process in-place to monitor drones, making sure that they are safe to fly.

    But, perhaps most enlightening, it’s clear that Dubai is committed to investing in drones and the creation of an infrastructure that enables both novice and experienced pilots alike to develop their passion in a safe and encouraging environment. This will surely play a large part in helping the next generation of drone pilots to prosper whilst helping to eliminate costly airport closures due to inexperience, lack of awareness and a safe environment to take to the skies with your done.

    The FAA Announces Changes for Recreational Done Operators

    In a move that could have larger implications for the global drone community, the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) has implemented changes for recreational drone flyers, as mandated by congress in the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018.

    Whether these changes will affect how aviation authorities in the GCC region – or anywhere else around the globe – act remains to be seen. However, is it unreasonable to assume that authorities won’t follow-suit and consider their current legislation around drones?

    Currently, the USA is the only country to have launched fundamental changes affecting amateur pilots however, depending on a variety of considerations and in an effort to make airspace safer, novice drone pilots of limited experience will only be permitted to fly at set altitudes and be subject to stringent restrictions.

    Are you an amateur pilot with a passion for Dubai aerial photography? Perhaps the thrill of controlling a drone is enough to propel you to take flight at every given opportunity? If this sounds like you, it may be worth reading on to discover the changes that the USA has enforced – you never know, it might not be too long before the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority makes legislative changes that affect you.

    What the FAA Reorganization Act Says

    According to the FAA, although non-commercial drone operators may continue to fly below 400 feet in uncontrolled airspace without specific certification or operating authority from the FAA, new legislation means that they are now required to obtain prior authorization from the FAA before flying in controlled airspace and around airports.

    Given the spate of drone incursion into restricted airspace in the USA, Dubai, and around the world, this new legislation hardly comes as a surprise. Designed to protect the safety of restricted airspace or airspace with a high volume of air traffic, it seems only logical that legislation is passed to prevent accidents.

    What This Means for Drone Pilots

    In short, drone pilots should be increasingly mindful of where they can and cannot fly. Professional drone shooting services in Dubai, like Sky Vision, fully understand airspace restrictions and the importance of adhering to all legislation, however amateur drone pilots may not possess such intimate knowledge of their legal obligations.

    The FAA has now categorically stated that all drone pilots must comply with all airspace restrictions and prohibitions when flying in controlled and uncontrolled airspace. Prior to taking flight and heading into controlled airspace, drone pilots must obtain airspace authorization. Prior to this, drone pilots in the US were only required to notify an air traffic controller when they were within five miles of an airport.

    In the GCC, the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) forbid drones from flying near, around and over airports. In addition, to protect citizens privacy, federal and municipal authorities do not permit drones to fly over residential areas to protect people’s privacy. As any astute and experienced business that provides drone shooting services in Dubai, like Sky Vision, knows understanding where pilots can fly is essential to responsible drone ownership.

    How Air Traffic Controllers Will React

    The new legislation means that until further notice, air traffic controllers will no longer accept requests to operate recreational drones in controlled airspace on a situation-by-situation basis. Should such an incursion occur, the air traffic controller will immediately report the incident and the pilot may be liable for prosecution.

    The FAA will enable operations under the congressionally mandated exception for limited recreational drones. Moreover, in order to make a clearly defined airspace that drone, and aircraft pilots know is accessible to them, temporary authorizations to fly in ‘fixed sites’ will be granted. These fixed sites will be routinely updated and can be found online.

    NASA is currently hard at work perfecting a research platform that will help manage drones flying at low altitudes alongside other airspace users. Known as UAS Traffic Management or UTM, their goal is to create a system that will allow drones to be successfully integrated into airspace without relying on air traffic controllers spotting drones on their airspace.

    Alongside drone technological development, such as enhanced drone shooting services in Dubai – and around the world – this is clear evidence of global research aiming to solve potential problems and pave the way for an airspace dominated by drones on the coming years.

    Further Training and Flight Requirements

    Yet another provision in the reauthorization act requires pilots to pass an aeronautical knowledge and safety test. All documentation must be kept and pilots willing to demonstrate that they have passed the test upon instructed to by the FAA or law enforcement.

    Recreational drone pilots will still be required to register their drones, fly within a visual line of sight, avoid other aircraft and take responsibility for complying with all FAA airspace and restrictions.

    Like pilots determined to capture sumptuous shots with their Dubai aerial photography, flying a drone carelessly can result in enforcement action being taken. Drone technology can open a wealth of majestic possibilities – but only for qualified and experienced pilots who understand their legal responsibilities.

    Will the FAA’s latest announcement addressing the evolution of drone pilots have a knock-on effect that will be felt in Dubai? It remains to be seen. However, let’s not forget that the GCAA already has very clear guidance for what drone pilots are legally responsible for. What, however, the announcement does indicate is that the presence of drones and their visibility in our lives looks set to continue to soar globally in the coming months and years.

    The Best GoPro Drone to Consider for all Your Aerial Photography in Dubai

    If you’re intent on capturing some jaw-dropping aerial footage, you’ll need a GoPro. Why? Well, quite simply, there’s no better product on the market for capturing aerial photographs and footage that don’t just piqué attention but demand it.

    Lightweight and easily fixed to drones of all descriptions, GoPro’s allow users to view the world in a wholly new light. In short, they have revolutionised the world of aerial videography and photography.

    If you want to capture aerial photography in Dubai or videos that really make viewers sit up and take notice, you need to make sure that you choose a GoPro drone geared for your purposes. Choose the wrong device and you could find yourself heading back to the drawing board – and out of pocket!

    Why Is Choosing a GoPro for Your Drone a Carefully Considered Decision?

    Unsure why you must invest so much time into choosing the right GoPro for your drone? Well, there are a handful of pertinent reasons why you shouldn’t take the decision to buy a GoPro for all your aerial photography and videography lightly.


    No matter if you’re a seasoned pilot or have recently discovered the wonders of drone photography, mid-flight bumps or that dreaded crash is only one false step away. With a GoPro mounted on your drone, there’s always the concern that if you crash, your camera won’t survive the impact.

    You want your GoPro to withstand as much damage as possible. Buying a model that’s likely to falter after the smallest of bumps is hardly ideal. Make sure that you select a GoPro and drone with a solid construction. Place durability atop your list of priorities. This way you can safeguard yourself against any bumps or crashes.

    Replacement Parts

    Another essential consideration is whether your drone and GoPro have accessible replacement parts. With bumps and the odd crash being commonplace – especially for inexperienced pilots – you need to make sure that you can source new parts if you need to.

    There are few things that drone pilots will find more frustrating than being grounded because of an accident, unable to take flight and capture glorious drone photography in beautiful areas like where we are in Dubai, because they cannot source the right replacement part. It’s also a good idea to check that any GoPro you buy can withstand bumps and crashes. If not, you could find yourself heading back to a retailer and spending Dirhams you don’t want to.

    Quality and Craftsmanship

    As the adage says, you get what you pay for. Choosing the cheapest drone and GoPro you can find is all fine and well, but sometimes spending a bit more will get you a GoPro and drone that’s less likely to end up costing you more than the investment’s worth in the long-run.

    So, if you have a flexible budget, it may be worth investing in a slightly more expensive GoPro. Sure all models are robust, but there’s no harm in pushing the boat out and spending a little bit more to make sure that your GoPro can survive all the mid-flight bumps that you could encounter.

    drone photography in Dubai

    Best GoPro Drones to Buy

    DJI Phantom Quadcopter V2.0 Bundle 3-Axis Zen Muse H4-3D Gimbal for the Hero 4 Black

    With a quad motor and 3-axis gimbal that has been specifically made for GoPro Hero 4 Black arguably takes the crown of the best GoPro drone. But, before you dive right in and say this is the drone for all your aerial photography in Dubai, remember that the rig is designed for the GoPro Hero 4 Black. If you don’t own this GoPro, then the DJI Phantom may not be the best drone for you.

    The upgraded V2 model features a longer flight time and native support for the Zen Muse H4-3D gimbal. The GoPro battery has also been beefed up to support a 25-30-minute flight time.

    Why would you buy? Well, the DJI Phantom Quadcopter offers great standalone video and photography or is good to go for all your aerial photography with its ready-mount. The Phantom V2.0 also features a new remote control, a new propulsion system, and a new compass for navigation ease.

    DJI Phantom 2

    Back in the day the DJI Phantom 2 was the king of drones. And, depending on who you ask it still is. There’s just one small factor to consider: it’s been out for a while and new and improved drone technology has hit the market.

    Does that mean that the DJI Phantom 2 is no longer suitable for top drone photography in Dubai? No. Come on, it’s the DJI Phantom 2, after all! It just means that competition among manufacturers for the attention of drone consumers is fiercer than ever before.

    Many drone enthusiasts still believe the DJI Phantom 2 to be a legendary drone hero. Designed to handle the GoPro Hero 4 Black, the DJI Phantom 2 is still one of the most popular drones available today.
    GoPro Karma with Hero 5 Black

    One of the reasons why this quadcopter is so highly sought-after is that its set-up to work with a GoPro Hero 5 right out the box. If you’re looking for equipment that can be effortlessly set-up and to take stunning aerial photography in Dubai, or anywhere else, this drone should not be discounted.

    There’s no need to worry about compatibility, no tinkering with the gimbal. It’s good to go – and don’t forget one thing, the Karma comes equipped with a GoPro Hero 5 when you buy one!

    Five Reasons Why You Keep Crashing Your Drone

    Crashing a drone is inevitable. Novice pilots have much to learn before they’re able to confidently take flight and marvel at the exquisite manoeuvres they’re able to pull off. However, before you show off your aerial skills, you’ll need to get the basics down cold.

    It’s also worth remembering that even seasoned drone pilots may just encounter those slow-motion moments, watching helplessly as their drone hits falls to the ground.

    Now, experienced drone services in Dubai – like those offered by Sky Vision – understand how to retain optimal control of drones in flight, avoid collisions, and touch down for a safe and soft landing. However, many hobbyists grapple with the controls and face a steep learning curl before confidently taking to the air.

    Like anything else, the more you know, the better you are. So, with that in mind, and in the spirit of sharing our knowledge with pilots determined to take to the sky confidently, here are five reasons why you keep crashing your drones. Be sure to read them all, you may just discover the reason why you’ve suffered so many broken propellers and frustrating repair expenses!

    Keeping Your Eyes Fixed on the Control Screen

    Control screens are awesome – a feat of technological innovation to rival any in the digital age. However, there are occasions when they can hinder a successful flight.

    Now, as much as we love the displays, immersing pilots in what can only be described as a feeling close to playing console video games as a youngster, keeping your eyes fixed on a control neglects one fundamental aspect of a flight, namely keeping your eyes on the drone itself.

    This can be circumvented by using an FPV racing drone with Fat Shark goggles, but most novice pilots don’t tend to use such equipment, concentrating on learning how to control their drone’s mid-flight.
    The purpose of a screen is to provide pilots with information on the surrounding environment, but surely our eyes are better, right? Keeping an eye on your drone means that pilots can control their surroundings better, adjusting flight paths – before it’s too late!

    Not Using Automatic Flight Mode Carefully

    Automatic flight modes should be used astutely. Whereas using auto launching and landing shouldn’t be discouraged, especially for pilots with limited experience, there’s one fact that pilots ignore at their own peril – auto flight modes means that they are not flying their drones.

    Auto flight modes do provide pilots with vital data or the quality of the photos or videos captured – something that drone companies in will use to improve the quality of their footage – but relying on auto flight modes too much can diminish your continuing aptitude as a pilot.

    Moreover, before selecting auto flight mode, it’s important that your launch site and general is free of hazards. Buildings, natural structures, even tree branches are enemies of propellers. Set auto flight mode and you won’t be able to navigate away from hazards manually.

    Insufficient GPS Connection

    Drones are renowned for combining a wealth of technological innovation into one vehicle. GPS guidance is just one element of this. Without GPS intended flight guidance will be a mite tricky to say the least.

    When it comes to piloting drones, accuracy and precision is the name of the game. Regardless of whether you’re a hobbyist experimenting with aerial photography or a professional drone service in the UAE, like Sky Vision, able to craft immersive videos or complete detailed surveying, an insufficient GPS connection will hinder flight success.

    Drones are designed to connect to multiple satellites for ease of flight. Without a stable connection, you may just find your drone drifting across the landscape never to be seen or heard from again.


    drone safety tips by Sky Vision Dubai


    Neglecting the Pre-Flight Check-Up

    This one is a no-brainer, but in the interest of being thorough, it should be mentioned. Preparation is key to success. This is true of almost every endeavour and piloting a drone, regardless of your experience, is no different. Seasoned drone companies like Sky Vision understand this.

    Flying a drone is exciting. But it’s not so exciting that pilots should neglect their pre-flight check-ups. Completing a visual inspection, checking command responsiveness – even understanding the forecasted climate and scouted location are paramount. Then there’s knowing the flight path, formatting memory cards, inspecting the gimbal and making sure that it supports your camera (if taking pictures or videos) and charging the batteries.

    There’s myriad of checks to perform. If you’re still unconvinced that you need to be ultra-meticulous then consider this: neglecting one check could result in a catastrophic crash.

    Not Considering the Weather

    As beautiful as it is basking in the warm climate, the Middle East isn’t immune from adverse weather conditions. Sand and rainstorms are not uncommon, even in chic urban areas, often dampening or quashing drone pilot’s opportunities to take to the sky.

    Of course, no one can control the weather, but we can plan for it if we know what’s heading our way. As any learned drone service in the UAE or worldwide will tell you, when you plan to take flight is just as important as where you launch from.

    When planning a flight, make sure to check the weather forecast for at least a couple of days prior to the flight. Understanding weather patterns and being aware of any potential changes on the horizon can save pilots to hassle and annoyance of having to cancel a flight at the last minute, or heaven forbid, getting caught in a storm and losing control of the drone and watching as it plummets to the ground.

    So, these are five of the more common reasons why pilots endure drone crashes. They may seem simple but by showing a little awareness and understanding the threats, you could save yourself a lot of heartache and money by not picking up a shattered drone from the ground.

    Will Using a Drone Photography Company Give Your Marketing a Shot of Adrenaline?

    How can I attract more customers? It’s a question that every business asks. From Emaar Properties to Walmart – and especially if you’re a small business looking to increase revenue – understanding how to reach, communicate with and grow your business is the key to achieving short and long-term commercial strategies.

    Oftentimes, teams of marketing professionals with decades of combined marketing experience and an adroit understanding of their business, sector and, by extension, the modern commercial landscape sit in boardrooms for hours on end debating how they can maximise sales and growth public perception of their product or service.

    Where should we focus our marketing activities? What do we want our marketing to say about our brand? How do we reach our target demographic and provide them reasons to put their hands in their pockets? Questions such as these often leave marketing professionals and business owners working to the small hours of the morning.

    New and emerging technologies can play a prominent role in spreading the word and helping your business attract more customers. However, beyond employing influencer marketing and interactive chatbots, drone companies are expanding their sphere of influencer throughout the UAE and across the globe and are now considered to be one of the most exciting and innovative ways to give your marketing campaign a shot or adrenaline.

    Effective Advertising is Paramount

    Let’s be honest, who doesn’t notice a drone hovering in the sky? Whilst not as commonplace as signage – yet – drones can be used to directly advertise products and services. Consumers immediately notice the effort a business has gone to just to appeal to consumers.

    Elevating this a step further is a drone photography company in the UAE, like Sky Vision. Consider the unique photographic perspective and seemingly endless creative possibilities drone photographic marketing offers is. As striking a ground-based photography may be, it’s not a patch on the exquisite angles and immersive experience that drone photography can create.

    Get consumers excited by your product and they will buy. This – and value – are primary motivators to getting people to put their hands in their pockets. A drone photography company, for example, can deliver that new perspective across a host of marketing material. Showing consumers what they have never seen will pique their interest – not all you need to do is elevate your product or service’s selling points.

    Still unsure whether drone companies offer a service capable of selling your product or service? Keep reading. Here’s three solid reasons why a drone company, like Sky Vision can help you to market your business.


    UAE Drone Photography Company


    Aerial Photography and Videography Offers A Different Perspective

    In 2018, buyers are more difficult than ever to convince. Over saturation of marketing campaigns, engulfing online and offline campaigns has helped create a cynical public. You need to make sure that your business stands out. This doesn’t necessarily mean hooking customers with promotions and special offers. It means offering them something of value your competitors cannot.

    When executed well, aerial photography and videography can be as exciting and exhilarating as it is immersive and awe-inspiring. Aren’t these attributes that you want customers to associate your brand with?

    Technological Innovation

    Even the most inexperienced online browser understands a sales pitch when he sees one. Are we about to enter an era whereby we’re all so web-savvy that we have grown to become desensitised to online marketing? After all, if consumers know specific marketing tactics are in-place solely to make us buy products or services – and can recognise them – doesn’t that make traditional online marketing harder?

    Does this spell the end for online marketing? The short answer is a resounding no. It does, however, mean that businesses need to be more innovative in their online campaigns. In short, incentivise customers. Show them something that they haven’t seen before.

    The benefit of drones is that they are new and emerging technologies. Consumers are still a long way away from experiencing any type of product fatigue. Drone companies can help businesses to showcase their progressive products and services through a progressive marketing strategy.

    Relevant and Innovative

    Marketing campaigns are only as successful as the ROI they’re able to showcase to customers – and consumers respond to innovations that they can appreciate – seeing how they can enhance their lives.

    Consider the iPhone. Consumers know that the device is practically indispensable to their daily lives. Apple has taken a product, the mobile phone, that fifteen years ago was considered a novelty and transformed it into an extension of our hand. One that is as relevant today as it has ever been before. An innovative product and engaging marketing campaigns have achieved this.

    Apple has redefined consumer necessity. Drones have the potential to achieve the same. You only need to look at the photography and videos that drones can create to see the innovation at work. Consumers respond to innovation. Businesses want to portray a cutting-edge ethos. This is precisely what drone companies’ aerial video and photography campaigns can achieve.

    There you have it, the reasons why using a drone photography company will give your marketing a shot of adrenaline. If you’d like to learn more, or view some of the spectacular images and videos drone photography can capture, tour the Sky Vision website today. Learn more and find the answers to any our your questions by contacting us today.