Five Reasons Why Drones are Essential to Effective Corporate Video Production in 2018

How do you want your business to be perceived? This is a question that every CEO and managing director asks themselves – and one that is paramount to the success of any business.
An outstanding commercial marketing campaign can elevate your business, draw in existing and potential clients – and help your business to grow. But, herein lies the question. How do you demonstrate that your business can easily and efficiently meet the needs of your client demographic?
Now, there are many ways that a business can do this. Marketing drivers, as with all business drivers, are more art than science. However, what cannot be argued is that a creative marketing strategy will grab the attention of your target demographic – and corporate videos are a great way to do this.
Here are five reasons why your business needs to be utilising drone corporate video in Dubai to elevate your statue with clients.
Your Business Can Truly Shine with Dubai Drone Filming
A good corporate video is a creative, engaging, information and quick way of telling customers who you are and why you’re great. In a few short minutes, you can showcase your ability to, not just meet but, exceed client expectations – all in 4K high definition!
You can tell the story of your business in a way that will grab the attention of clients. As elegant and engaging as the prose may be, it could be argued that reading reams and reams of online content is less impactful than a short 4K video.
By using Dubai drones to capture aerial videos, you’re allowing customers to experience your business in a unique and creative way. This is a far more creative than simply trying to educate or persuade through copy, images and graphics.
Boosting Your SEO with Video
Google loves videos. Having one or, better still, a series of corporate videos not only enhances the perception of your brand but is a vital part of any effective SEO strategy.
This reason alone is enough to convinces businesses of all sectors to choose corporate video in Dubai to market themselves. Just think how effective a breath-taking aerial video of Arabian Peninsula or Dubai’s majestic city skyline would prove when marketing the travel and tourism, real estate, finance (for high-fliers!) non-profit, corporate events, even recruitment sectors. The more you think about it, the more the list goes on and on!
Only drones can capture those remarkable sights that will grab and keep hold of an audiences’ attention. They are unique content – something that Google also loves.
Share Videos Online with Ease
Videos can be easily shared – and a visually engaging video that tells a story will always be shared. Whether posting on your website or on a social media platform, video links can be easily copied and pasted and shared with friends, colleagues or business prospects.
Not only does this direct traffic to your website but the sheer ease of accessibility means that in a matter of seconds potential customers who you’d never of thought of directly targeting could be picking up the phone and making enquiries.
Remember: the better the video, the more chance you have of reaching, engaging and persuading customers that your service is the one for them. Corporate video in Dubai, filmed by a company such as Sky Vision, can help convince potential customers of your prowess.
Cast a Wide Net
Why would you stop at a single corporate video, uploaded to your website? By using Dubai drones to film the city-state’s exquisite beauty you can take businesses on a journey they’re bound to be intrigued and excited by.
Once you have a series of videos, you can then upload your videos to different websites – increasing your digital footprint. The more people that watch your videos, the more chance they have of being shared. This allows you to generate more interest across a wider online spectrum.
The more people become engaged in the experience of watching a drone video, the more that you’ll be able to influence their decision-making, convincing them that it’s your business that they must choose.
Corporate Videos are Here – and They’re the Future
The rise of corporate video production using drone photography in the last few years has made is clear that Dubai’s drone corporate video production is here to stay.
In terms of commercial marketing, thinking outside the box, personalising the type of content you showcase to clients, understanding what your customers want and meeting their demands in a clear and defined way are key trends that determine success in 2018.
Not only that but the ability to film panoramic corporate videos and create truly cinematic experiences is something that will only grow over time. Click here to contact Sky Vision about your video marketing and production needs.